Just under two weeks to go. . .
Can you believe it? I can't--but I am quite excited about it! Things are moving along quickly! This is my last week of work before the wedding, so I am busy finalizing some things before I take some time off.
This weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday, a group of us planned to go to the Air Force Academy-Army (West Point) football game and grill beforehand. On Saturday morning, we woke up and realized it was snowing heavily, so we cancelled the tailgate. An hour later, it was gone and warming up, so we put the tailgate back on (just delayed by an hour). We showed up and grilled a bunch of food, fellowshipped, and enjoyed life before we entered the game. Let me tell you, there is nothing like having 4 F-15 Strike Eagles streak over the stadium at kickoff! Unfortunately, Army beat Air Force, but it was a great time.
On Sunday, between church services, Anthony and I took the Jeep into the mountains to find a campsite. We never found it, but we had a great time enjoying the scenery and four-wheeling on one trail. Then I went to the church to meet with Jen, her mom, and the church's wedding coordinator. It was a blessing to hear how they are going to help us.
After the meeting, we invited Jen's mom to stay for the old-fashioned hymn sing. It was great! What a blessing to sing all kinds of great hymns of the faith. Even our organ player got into the music! While singing the songs, it brought back a lot of memories from church, Christian school, and college. So, if you haven't listened to some hymns in awhile, I encourage you to do it! It's a lot of fun! Well, I must be off to a Bible study that I have on Monday nights with one of my best friends. Have a great day!