Where in the world is Rick???

It's time to study . . .

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

Things are going well, but quite busy! I just got out of Church History and received my first sectional exam grade: a 49! Don't worry, it's out of 50, so I received a 98%. This week will be quite busy. I have an Old Testament map test today, a Greek test next Wednesday, and two book reviews due next Thursday with my other work that is ongoing! Busy, busy, busy!

Yesterday I met with Chaplain (LtCol) Miller yesterday and he answered a lot of questions for me. Tomorrow night Jen and I are going to Frijoles for dinner and a chance for more questions to be answered--plus it's free!!

Jen's job is going well. Today and tomorrow will be really busy as she meets and travels with her supervisors! Talk to you all later!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pleasantly surprised

Today in chapel we had Kirk Cameron (better known to some as Michael Seaver from Growing Pains) speak. I knew that he was a Christian, but I think I expected him to just give a surface level message. Instead he spoke on the importance of evangelism and how we need to do it in our everyday life. He also said that we needed to get back to the basics and not just use a canned approach to witnessing. I would recommend you watch the message at Southwestern's website. Hope you enjoy!

I got an "A"

Greek is hard, let me tell you! I am happy to report that I just received the score on my first test and I received a 74 out of 80. That equates to approximately a 92 or 93! Gotta love that! Tomorrow I have my first test in Church History, which should be fun! Well, I'm off to study!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Update on School. . . .

Who would have thought that being out of school for seven years would make it tough to go back to studying? Well, I can attest to that! I am having to relearn time management skills that haven't needed to be used in quite awhile. So far it is a lot of reading and papers.

Today I had my first Greek test. I studied quite a bit by myself and with some friends, but I thought that I was going to fail (even with visiting the Greek tutor a few times). I was pleasantly surprised to learn that things sunk in a lot more than I expected. When I received the test, I knew almost everything. I made a few small errors (at least by my calculations), but will have the result hopefully on Friday morning.

I have two major papers due on Thursday, October 5th, so I have to get to work reading the material and writing. I have to use the Tulerian style to cite. Why is it that I have used so many different citing techniques? When will schools get there act together and teach the same thing from elementary through graduate school?

As for the job front, I have a few applications out there. I did work Monday night at an Auction Depot showing antiques during the auction. It was only four hours, but I made $60.00. It is available to me every Monday night, so I will probably do that until things settle down.

The weather has been quite nice. It is now in the 80's during the day and 60's at night, which is quite a bit better than the 102 that it was on the day that we moved into our apartment.

Thanks for the prayers! They are needed and appreciated. Talk to you all soon!

Church Shopping

Who enjoys finding a church when you move to a new community? As soon as I walk into a church, I immediately begin to compare, criticize, analyze, etc. everything about the church. Not necessarilly a good thing, but a practice that I tend to do.

Thankfully, Jen and I have found the church that we believe we will join. We are planning on joining Birchman Baptist Church in West Fort Worth. The preaching is great as well as the music. It has been awhile since I've been in a church with a 100+ person choir and 20+ orchestra! (Mom, you would love the piano player--simply amazing and oftentimes without sheet music!) On Sunday, we visited the young marrieds Sunday School class and it was great. The people were quite friendly and we went out with two couples after the evening service for dinner! So, all in all, we think that we have found our new church home!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dad!

I just figured that I'd take a second to wish Dad a happy birthday!
